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Feed ocamlyacc parser from explicit token list?

Is it possible to feed an OCamlYacc-generated parser an explicit token list for analysis?

I'd like to use OCamlLex to explicitly generate a token list which I then analyze using a Yacc-generated parser later. However, the standard use case generates a parser that calls a lexer implicitly for the next token. Here tokens are computed during the yacc analysis rather than before. Conceptually a parser should only work on tokens but a Yacc-generated parser provides an interface that relies on a lexer which in my case I don't need.


  • If you already have a list of tokens, you can just go the ugly way and ignore the lexing buffer altogether. After all, the parse-from-lexbuf function that your parser expects is a non-pure function :

    let my_tokens = ref [ (* WHATEVER *) ]
    let token lexbuf = 
      match !my_tokens with 
        | []     -> EOF 
        | h :: t -> my_tokens := t ; h 
    let ast = Parser.parse token (Lexbuf.from_string "")

    On the other hand, it looks from your comments that you actually have a function of type Lexing.lexbuf -> token list that you're trying to fit into the Lexing.lexbuf -> token signature of your parser. If that is the case, you can easily use a queue to write a converter between the two types:

    let deflate token = 
      let q = Queue.create () in
      fun lexbuf -> 
        if not (Queue.is_empty q) then Queue.pop q else   
          match token lexbuf with 
            | [   ] -> EOF 
            | [tok] -> tok
            | hd::t -> List.iter (fun tok -> Queue.add tok q) t ; hd 
    let ast = Parser.parse (deflate my_lexer) lexbuf