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HTML content for button_to

I am currently using link_to:

<%= link_to edit_webcast_path(@webcast), :class => 'btn'  do %>
    <i class="icon-pencil"></i> Edit Webcast
<% end %>

But I want to do the same with button_to, however button_to must have a first label argument passed to it or it will use the path as its label.

<%= button_to edit_webcast_path(@webcast), :class => 'btn'  do %>
    <i class="icon-pencil"></i> Edit Webcast
<% end %>

... results in a button with a label that is the resolved edit_webcast_path(@webcast) path. In effect do seems to have no effect.

I have tried passing html directly as the first argument:

<%= button_to "<i class=\"icon-white icon-minus-sign \"></i> Edit Webcast".html_safe, webcast_path(@webcast), :class => 'btn'%>

But this results in a button with the label displaying part of the html string I pass in. Looking at the generated HTMl I can see that the contents of this first argument is placed in the input's value attribute and not inside the input itself.

How can I get this to work?


  • Rails button_to generates a form with html <input type="submit"> element , not <button> one. You can try to override it or write your own helper to generate <button> , take a look at this example