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AGI command and php file in Asterisk

I want to make simple IVR using php in Asterisk. when i run php program individually , it works without any problem. but when i call it by AGI command in the Asterisk it does not works. this is my php file :

#!/usr/bin/php -q
 $agi = new AGI();
 $file = '/var/www/html/test.txt';
 $current = file_get_contents($file);
 $current .= "Test\n";
 file_put_contents($file, $current);

and this is Dialplan :

exten => 6565,1,Answer 
exten => 6565 2,Playback(Hello-World)
exten => 6565,3,AGI(testphp.php) 
exten => 6565 4,Playback(Hello-World)
exten => 6565,5,Hangup 

when i call 6565 by my phone , it only plays twice "Hello World" message! php file permission is excutable.

I have installed Elastix(Asterisk) in VirtualBox.

What am I doing wrong?

please help.


  • Do follwoing:

    1) stop asterisk

    asterisk -rx "core stop now"

    2) start it in ssh console

    asterisk -vvvgc

    3) enable asterisk AGI debug

    agi set debug on

    you will see error in your script. also check that selinux is off