I have a category list, and I'd like use it with i18n so that I can change the language by locale.
My python code is as following:
from webapp2_extras import i18n
category_list = {}
category_list['bikes'] = {'value': i18n.gettext('CATEGORY_BIKES')}
class CategoriesHandler(BaseHandler):
"""List categories"""
def get(self, **kwargs):
"""List all categories"""
And it will cause the error:
File "/Users/user/Developer/GAE/project/CategoriesHandler.py", line 11, in <module>
category_list['bikes'] = {'value': i18n.gettext('CATEGORY_BIKES')}
File "/Users/user/Developer/GAE/project/webapp2_extras/i18n.py", line 713, in gettext
return get_i18n().gettext(string, **variables)
File "/Users/user/Developer/GAE/project/webapp2_extras/i18n.py", line 894, in get_i18n
request = request or webapp2.get_request()
File "/Applications/GoogleAppEngineLauncher.app/Contents/Resources/GoogleAppEngine-default.bundle/Contents/Resources/google_appengine/lib/webapp2/webapp2.py", line 1720, in get_request
assert getattr(_local, 'request', None) is not None, _get_request_error
AssertionError: Request global variable is not set.
However if I move the category_list into the class get method, everything is fine.
class CategoriesHandler(BaseHandler):
"""List categories"""
def get(self, **kwargs):
"""List all categories"""
category_list = {}
category_list['bikes'] = {'value': i18n.gettext('CATEGORY_BIKES')}
The problem is that I need to separate category_list to another config file so that I can maintain my code easily. Is there any way to solve this problem? Thanks!
Try gettext_lazy instead, which won't do actual translation lookup until later (when you also know which language you want to translate to).
A very common convention is
from webapp2_extras.i18n import _lazy as _
category_list['bikes'] = {'value': _('CATEGORY_BIKES')}