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CoCreateInstance fails with 0x80040154 on ITaskBarList3

Does anyone have any idea why CoCreateInstance would be failing on ITaskBarList3 on Windows 7 64-bit? The error code is 0x80040154, which is Class Not Registered.

The calling code (VB6) is:

Public Const IID_ITaskbarList3 = "{EA1AFB91-9E28-4B86-90E9-9E9F8A5EEFAF}"
Public Const CLSID_TaskbarList3 = "{EA1AFB91-9E28-4B86-90E9-9E9F8A5EEFAF}"



 Dim iTaskBarVB3 As ShellLib.ITaskbarList3

 rc = CLSIDFromString(StrPtr(CLSID_TaskbarList3), CLSID)
 rc = IIDFromString(StrPtr(IID_ITaskbarList3), IID)
 rc = CoCreateInstance(CLSID, 0, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID, iTaskBarVB3)

The returns from CLSIDFromString and IIDFromString are both 0 (Success). I can find the string in the registry. Since my taskbar is obviously working just fine, I know the interface is able to be called by other processes just fine.

ITaskBarList3 is declared in a typelib compiled using mktyplib.exe. I've double checked the GUID values, and they match those in the SDK.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • The ClassID wasn't the problem, as this worked correctly about a week ago. I was previously compiling on Windows Vista, 32-bit.

    I've now updated my system to Windows 7, 64-bit. The problem isn't a matter of 32/64-bit compatibility. The TaskBar is accessible through Wow64, and I am able to call the interface just fine from a 32-bit ATL DLL.

    I did some more searching, and I found a number of references on the web regarding problems with actxprxy.dll on 64-bit windows. This is the DLL where the interfaces appear to reside, according to OLE Viewer.

    Anyways, some people have had luck with various combinations of .reg scripts and unregistering/re-registering the files. Unfortunately, I'm not one of those people.

    I've decided to save myself the headache, and just wrote a small DLL using ATL, and I have the VB code calling that. Works fine in that setup...

    Thanks again for your help.