This works fine since because i'm directly inputting the data.
declare -a arr
arr=( $(awk '/123456789/{print NR}' filename) )
echo ${arr[0]}
echo ${arr[*]}
Bt when i do as below, it doesn't work. Can u let me know how the parameter 'name' can be used in the command below :
echo Enter your search string:
read name
declare -a arr
arr=( $(awk '/"$name"/{print NR}' filename )
echo ${arr[0]}
echo ${arr[*]}
Based on your comments I am posting this answer. This is the script that will work for you:
read -e -p "Enter your search string: " name
#echo "name: [$name]"
declare -a arr
arr=( $(awk /"$name"'/{print NR}' x ) )
echo ${arr[0]}
echo ${arr[*]}