I have these scenario:
//This class maps to the "Item" table in the database
public class Item
public int itemID { get; set;}
public string itemName { get; set; }
public int quantity { get; set; }
//Items record are returned from the database as list
List<Item> items = ItemDAO.GetItems();
I want to generate a report that include aggregate values (from query/Stored Procedure)
ItemID| ItemName | Qty | QtySoldThisMonth | QtySoldThisYr
123 | Vit. C | 20 | 55 | 400
239 | Maloxin | 25 | 12 | 210
The Item class does not have these extra fields This would have been easier with datatable which could have varying number of columns but I am using a list
Please, how would I go about this
you can always create another DTO specifically for that aggregated view and use that in your reports.
A little more general solution than a specific DTO for each view would be to create a DTO for reports on Item and use a collection of fields instead of class properties to store aggregate values in the DTO.
For instance:
class AggregatedReportField {
public string FieldName { get; set; }
public decimal FieldValue { get; set; }
class ItemReportDTO {
public Dictionary<string, AggregatedReportField> ReportFields { get; private set; }
public ItemReportDTO()
ReportFields = new Dictionary<string, AggregatedReportField>();
public void Add(AggregatedReportField field)
if (!ReportFields.ContainsKey(fieldl.FieldName))
ReportFields.Add(field.FieldName, field);
in your DAO, you would then first get the values from the database, create AggregatedReportField instances for each value and add them with a name to your DTO. In your report, you would then have to refer to your aggregated values with DTO.ReportFields["SomeValue"].FieldValue.
the code above is just an example and contains a few bad practices (exposed Dictionary<>).