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Error importing HoloEverywhere

First of all, I am new with Android. I am doing an app, and I am implementing a library called HoloEverywhere. This library use in the themes.xml the library ActionBar Sherlock. I have imported to my workspace ActionBar Sherlock and I have added it to HoloEverywhere. Next, I have added HoloEverywhere to my project, but when I try to use it, I have an error (I tried to use a button):

The following classes could not be instantiated:
- com.WazaBe.HoloEverywhere.ButtonHolo (Open Class, Show Error Log)
See the Error Log (Window > Show View) for more details.
Tip: Use View.isInEditMode() in your custom views to skip code when shown in Eclipse.

I put the path of the class in my layout, like this:

        android:text="@string/text" />

How I can solve this problem and use this library in my project?. Thanks :) PS. Sorry for my english, I know it is not very good.


  • Follow the steps below(taken from blog here) to add ActionBarSherlock

    1. Download the .zip/.tgz and extract it
    2. Go to eclipse and choose File->New-> Android Project
    3. Select Create project from existing source and then browse to the library folder inside extracted AndroidBarSherlock folder
    4. Build Target should be the latest(14 or15), but your minSdkVersion can be less (7 or 8)
    5. Press Finish
    6. Right click on the newly created project and go to Properties.
    7. Under the Android heading, you should see a section for Library with a checkbox IsLibrary. Make sure that's checked.
    8. Right click -> Properies on the project in which you wish to add AndroidBarSherlock under the Android heading and the Library section choose Add.
    9. You should see the ActionBarSherlock library, add this to your project
    10. Lastly, if you were using the compatibility support , you need to delete that jar since it's included in ActionBarSherlock.

    Follow the steps below to add HoloEverywhere

    1. Download Zip from GitHub to your computer
    2. UnZip the folder
    3. Go to eclipse and choose File->New-> Android Project
    4. Select Create project from existing source and then browse to the HoloEverywhereLib folder inside extracted folder
    5. Press Finish
    6. Right click on the newly created project and go to Properties.
    7. Under the Android heading, you should see a section for Library with a checkbox IsLibrary. Make sure that's checked and press Add and previously added library ActionBarSherlock.

    Follow these steps to add HoloEverywhere to your project

    1. Create a new Android project
    2. Right Click on project -> Properties -> Android -> Add, add both ActionBarSherlock and HoloEverywhere
    3. Change the Android Manifest to following

      <application android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:label="@string/app_name" android:theme="@style/Holo.Theme">

    4. Edit you main.xml to include Holo theme widgets.

    5. Change your activity as follows

      public class ChkActionBarSherlock extends SherlockActivity {
           public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {