I have a set of weight loss progress photos of myself that are all very similar, with a white, empty background. I would like to have a base photo and a script(s) (of any kind) that will correct the minor variations (angle, color(white-balance), distance) betweens shots without manual intervention, so that shoulders, hips and cropping match up when flipping though photos.
Requirements (all in respect to a base image I create):
Match shoulder width (resizing)
rotation adjustment
cropping (rough is alright) (if I only go down the knees in the base image other images should remove calves or head, etc.)
I'm so uninformed in this area I'm not sure what I should be looking for (so a simple google search might be all I need).
What are the tools that I should look at? C, C++, Python, MatLab, Shell are all fine for libs/tools.
UPDATE: Doing more research I've found that this is called automatic image registration.
I found a basic tutorial on how to do this in Python using OpenCV in python.
This is only a partial answer though.