I'm using OpenAL on iPhone to play multiple audio samples simultaneously.
Can I get OpenAL to notify me when a single sample is done playing?
I'd like to avoid hardcoding the sample length and setting a timer.
If you have the OpenAL source abstracted into a class, I guess you can simply call performSelector:afterDelay:
when you start the sound:
- (void) play
[delegate performSelector:@selector(soundHasFinishedPlaying)
(If you stop the sound manually in the meantime, the callback can be cancelled, see the NSObject Class Reference.) Or you can poll the AL_SOURCE_STATE
- (void) checkStatus
ALint state;
alGetSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state);
if (state == AL_PLAYING)
[timer invalidate];
[delegate soundHasFinishedPlaying];
I don’t know how to have OpenAL call you back. What exactly do you want the callback for? Some things can be solved better without a callback.