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Java driver equivalent for JavaScript shell's Object.bsonsize( doc )?

I was wondering what the Java driver's equivalent to the Mongo JavaScript shell's Object.bsonsize( doc ) method? For example, what is the Java code to perform the following:

bobk-mbp:~ bobk$ mongo
MongoDB shell version: 2.0.4
connecting to: test
PRIMARY> use devices;
switched to db devices
PRIMARY> Object.bsonsize( db.profiles.findOne( { _id: "REK_0001" } ) );
PRIMARY> Object.bsonsize( db.profiles.findOne( { _id: "REK_0002" } ) );

How do I perform this same basic use case with the MongoDB Java Driver. Its not obvious through the JavaDocs.


  • There's nothing quite as clean as what's available in the shell, but this will work:

    DBObject obj = coll.findOne();
    int bsonSize = DefaultDBEncoder.FACTORY.create().
            writeObject(new BasicOutputBuffer(), obj));