When using Task<T>, an exception during the execution of the task is thrown during Task.Wait(); when using F#'s MailBoxProcessor, the exception gets swallowed and needs to be explicitly dealt with as per this question.
This difference makes it difficult to expose F# agents to C# code via a Task. For example, this agent:
type internal IncrementMessage =
Increment of int * AsyncReplyChannel<int>
type IncrementAgent() =
let counter = Agent.Start(fun agent ->
let rec loop() = async { let! Increment(msg, replyChannel) = agent.Receive()
match msg with
| int.MaxValue -> return! failwith "Boom!"
| _ as i -> replyChannel.Reply (i + 1)
return! loop() }
member x.PostAndAsyncReply i =
Async.StartAsTask (counter.PostAndAsyncReply (fun channel -> Increment(i, channel)))
can be called from C#, but the exception is not returned to C#:
public void ExceptionHandling()
// TPL exception behaviour
var task = Task.Factory.StartNew<int>(() => { throw new Exception("Boom!"); });
catch(AggregateException e)
// Exception available here
Console.WriteLine("Task failed with {0}", e.InnerException.Message);
// F# MailboxProcessor exception behaviour
var incAgent = new IncrementAgent();
task = incAgent.PostAndAsyncReply(int.MaxValue);
task.Wait(); // deadlock here
catch (AggregateException e)
Console.WriteLine("Agent failed with {0}", e.InnerException.Message);
Instead of getting the exception, the C# code just hangs at task.Wait(). Is there any way to get the F# agent to behave like a Task? If not, it seems like there is limited use in exposing F# agents to other .NET code.
One way to handle it is have the agent return a DU with an error case. You could then raise the exception from outside the agent.
type internal IncrementResponse =
| Response of int
| Error of exn
type internal IncrementMessage =
| Increment of int * AsyncReplyChannel<IncrementResponse>
type IncrementAgent() =
let counter = Agent.Start(fun agent ->
let rec loop() =
async {
let! Increment(msg, replyChannel) = agent.Receive()
match msg with
| int.MaxValue -> replyChannel.Reply (Error (Failure "Boom!"))
| _ as i -> replyChannel.Reply (Response(i + 1))
return! loop()
member x.PostAndAsyncReply i =
Async.StartAsTask (
async {
let! res = counter.PostAndAsyncReply (fun channel -> Increment(i, channel))
match res with
| Response i -> return i
| Error e -> return (raise e)