I've a multiple module projecy managed by gradle. The directory structure is as follows:
When I invoke 'gradle war' on monitoring level I obtain the following exeception:
"monitoring/js does not exist."
Which comes from client's build.gradle:
task copyJs << {
'mkdir src/main/webapp/js'.execute()
def ant = new groovy.util.AntBuilder()
ant.copy(todir: 'src/main/webapp/js') {
fileset(dir: 'js') {
include(name: '**/*.js')
The exception occurs because the mentioned task is executed on the root level of the project. How to change it to be executed on the appropriate (client) level? How to change the basedir for the ant task that is used?
Should be done as explained here
task copyJs << {
copy {
into 'src/main/webapp/js'
from('js') {
include '**/*.js'