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phpDocumentor 2 installer fails to install symfony/Console with composer

I've downloaded (cloned) the github version of phpdocumentor 2 and followed the installation instructions found on the phpdoc website

At the composer installation step 3 (php composer.phar install) I receive the following error messages

  Failed to clone via git, https and http protocols, aborting.  

- git://                                                              
  fatal: reference is not a tree: 1edd7b739561e87bde81ff1c2ce08bd89e92277e                      

  fatal: reference is not a tree: 1edd7b739561e87bde81ff1c2ce08bd89e92277e                      

  fatal: reference is not a tree: 1edd7b739561e87bde81ff1c2ce08bd89e92277e

It seems that the symfony git tree has changed, or..? Do you have any idea how to resolve it?


  • This is probably an error int he update of the Console subtree split. Please use php composer.phar update instead of install. This should resolve the situation.