When changing the presence in Browser (offline/online) in Facebook Chat, the chat system sends the XMPP message in form:
<presence to="-myidhere@chat.facebook.com/adfskjfskjdfh" from="-otheridhere@chat.facebook.com" type="unavailable">
When I send my own presence from non-browser side (xmpp client) to the browser side with exactly same syntax, it seem not to effect. What I am missing here ?
Thanks a lot, -Mika
It seems like you can't do that with the facebook xmpp implementation, as they write in the documentation:
Facebook Chat should be compatible with every XMPP client, but is not a full XMPP server. It should be thought of as a proxy into the world of Facebook Chat on www.facebook.com. As a result, it has several behaviors that differ slightly from what you would expect from a traditional XMPP service
There's an open bug on this matter: XMPP: can't change availability, and also this thread also talks about it: Xmpp chat invisible presence.
Also, don't expect the fb apis to have the same functionality as you get using the fb webpage.
They obviously don't open everything they have to the apis.