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Function that prints something to std::ostream and returns std::ostream?

I want to write a function that outputs something to a ostream that's passed in, and return the stream, like this:

std::ostream& MyPrint(int val, std::ostream* out) {
  *out << val;
  return *out;

int main(int argc, char** argv){
    std::cout << "Value: " << MyPrint(12, &std::cout) << std::endl;
    return 0;

It would be convenient to print the value like this and embed the function call in the output operator chain, like I did in main().

It doesn't work, however, and prints this:

$ ./a.out
12Value: 0x6013a8

The desired output would be this:

Value: 12

How can I fix this? Do I have to define an operator<< instead?

UPDATE: Clarified what the desired output would be.

UPDATE2: Some people didn't understand why I would print a number like that, using a function instead of printing it directly. This is a simplified example, and in reality the function prints a complex object rather than an int.


  • You can't fix the function. Nothing in the spec requires a compiler to evaluate a function call in an expression in any particular order with respect to some unrelated operator in the same expression. So without changing the calling code, you can't make MyPrint() evaluate after std::cout << "Value: "

    Left-to-right order is mandated for expressions consisting of multiple consecutive << operators, so that will work. The point of operator<< returning the stream is that when operators are chained, the LHS of each one is supplied by the evaluation of the operator to its left.

    You can't achieve the same thing with free function calls because they don't have a LHS. MyPrint() returns an object equal to std::cout, and so does std::cout << "Value: ", so you're effectively doing std::cout << std::cout, which is printing that hex value.

    Since the desired output is:

    Value: 12

    the "right" thing to do is indeed to override operator<<. This frequently means you need to either make it a friend, or do this:

    class WhateverItIsYouReallyWantToPrint {
        void print(ostream &out) const {
            // do whatever
    ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const WhateverItIsYouReallyWantToPrint &obj) {

    If overriding operator<< for your class isn't appropriate, for example because there are multiple formats that you might want to print, and you want to write a different function for each one, then you should either give up on the idea of operator chaining and just call the function, or else write multiple classes that take your object as a constructor parameter, each with different operator overloads.