I am currently working on a project where I have to extract the facial expression of a user (only one user at a time) like sad or happy.
There are a lot of programs/APIs to do face detection but I did not find any one to do automatic expression recognition.
The best possibility I found so far:
-Using Luxand FaceSDK, which will give me access to 66 different points within the face, so I would still have to manually map them to expressions.
I used OpenCV for face detection earlier, which was working great, so If anyone has some tips on how to do it with OpenCV, that would be great!
Any programming language is welcome (Java preferred).
Some user on a OpenCV board suggested looking for AAM (active apereance models) and ASM (active shape models), but all I found were papers.
You are looking for machine learning solutions. FaceSDK looks like a good feature extractor. I don't think that there will be an available library to solve your specific problem. Your best bet is to:
This involves some knowledge about machine learning.