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How to add h4 tag to refinerycms editor?

I'm trying to add an h4 tag to the refinerycms wysiwyg editor. How do i do this? Not finding any documentation on this.

I'm assuming i have to do something with this config var:

config.wymeditor_whitelist_tags = {}


  • The following instructions apply to versions 2.x.x and 3.x.x of Refinery CMS.

    However, in version 3.x.x you will need to use custom_visual_editor_boot_options instead of custom_wymeditor_boot_options.

    Using this file: you can specify custom options for WYMeditor in Refinery.

    First, you need to override the file:

    bundle exec rake refinery:override javascript=admin

    Now, open app/assets/javascripts/admin.js and edit it to be like the following:

    // Use this to customize the wymeditor boot process
    // Just mirror the options specified in boot_wym.js with the new options here.
    // This will completely override anything specified in boot_wym.js for that key.
    // e.g. skin: 'something_else'
    if (typeof(custom_wymeditor_boot_options) == "undefined") { 
      custom_wymeditor_boot_options = {
        containersItems: [
          {'name': 'h1', 'title':'Heading_1', 'css':'wym_containers_h1'}
          , {'name': 'h2', 'title':'Heading_2', 'css':'wym_containers_h2'}
          , {'name': 'h3', 'title':'Heading_3', 'css':'wym_containers_h3'}
          , {'name': 'h4', 'title':'Heading_4', 'css':'wym_containers_h4'}
          , {'name': 'p', 'title':'Paragraph', 'css':'wym_containers_p'}

    Note that what you are doing is overriding boot_wym.js.erb which only specifies h1, h2, h3 and p as container tags. See:

    Any options that you specify inside custom_wymeditor_boot_options override anything inside wymeditor_boot_options in boot_wym.js.erb so make sure that it's valid Javascript or else the editors won't load at all.

    Hope that helps; let me know if you need anything clarified.
