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JNI dependent libraries

I'm running a library via JNI (I didn't write it), and internally it calls another DLL. I get an error saying "Can't find dependent libraries" unless I put the path of the other DLL on the system PATH variable (I'm on Windows XP). I'd like to be able to handle this on the java command line, and I've already tried adding it to -Djava.library.path and to the classpath, neither which worked (I expected -Djava.library.path to work but not classpath, but neither worked). Is there a way to do this?




    • If you have a DLL name 'MyNativeDLL.dll' then you should use 'MyNativeDLL' in your LoadLibrary call.
    • Use Dependency Walker to check if there are any files required by MyNativeDLL.dll
    • If there are, include them in the same folder as MyNativeDLL.dll - one you get it working try putting the additional required files in System32 folder.