This is my SQL to get the row count of OrderData. Using straight SQL (in SQLite Database Browser) it gives me the correct value; when I use this select statement in my app with FMDB, I get a count of zero (0).
// get count of line items for each order
FMResultSet *rs2 = [fmdb executeQuery:@"select count(orderdata.order_id) from orderdata "
"join custdata on custdata.customer_id = orderinfo.cust_id "
"join orderinfo on orderdata.order_id = orderinfo.order_id "
"where custdata.Bus_name = '?'", globalBusinessName];
while([rs2 next]) {
globalItemCount = [rs2 intForColumnIndex: 0];
Is there something I'm missing in the WHILE statement?
I believe the problem here is surrounding the replacement query with apostrophes. They're unnecessary (and detrimental) when doing a query with an argument replacement, so you want to just end the executeQuery
"where custdata.Bus_name = ? ", globalBusinessName];
My guess is that you're either getting a nil back for rs2 (which you should check for and then evaluate the error state), or the query is failing to find any results, and thus returning a valid rs2, but with a 0 count.