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Skip the IP headers with tcpdump

I'm using tcpdump to debug an SSDP service.

$ sudo tcpdump -Aq udp port 1900

When printing the UDP packets, I'm getting a lot of gibberish before the HTTP headers I presume to be the IP and UDP headers. How do I suppress printing these, and just print the application level data in the packet (which includes the HTTP headers)?

Here's an example, the stuff I don't want is prior to NOTIFY on the second line:

14:41:56.738130 IP > UDP, length 326
[email protected] * HTTP/1.1


  • Sadly there are no tcpdump or even tshark shortcuts to do what you want... the best we can do is run STDOUT through a text filter...

    Some perl or sed guy will probably come behind me and shorten this, but it gets the job done...

    [mpenning@Bucksnort ~]$ sudo tcpdump -Aq udp port 1900 | perl -e 'while ($line=<STDIN>) { if ($line!~/ { if ($line=~/(NOTIFY.+)$/) {print "$1\n";} else {print $line;}}}'
    NOTIFY * HTTP/1.1
    [mpenning@Bucksnort ~]$

    If you add line-breaks, the perl STDIN filter listed above is...

    while ($line=<STDIN>) {
        if ($line!~/ {
            if ($line=~/(NOTIFY.+)$/) {
                print "$1\n";
            } else {
                print $line;