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Ogre/Mogre: Camera two point perspective

I'm displaying a scene with some cubes in it. The camera uses persective. Everything works great, but I'd like the vertical lines to be parallel (two point perspective:

When viewing a cube from the front:

What I want:

|     |
|     |

What I'm getting (exaggerated):

 \      /
  \    /

I've tried fiddling with the camera's FOV, but to no avail.

My attempt so far:

Camera = SceneManager.CreateCamera(CameraName);
float q = 45;
float d = 5000f;
Matrix4 m = new Matrix4(
    1, 0, 0, (float)(Math.Sin(q)/d),
    0, 1, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 1, (float)(Math.Cos(q)/d),
    0, 0, 0, 0
Camera.SetCustomProjectionMatrix(true, m);


  • The University of Berkeley has a page on the different perspective transformations and the matrices you need to use. The two-point perspective transformation is:

      _                    _
     |  1   0   0 sin(q)/d  |
     |  0   1   0     0     |
     |  0   0   1 cos(q)/d  |
     |_ 0   0   0     0    _|

    Where q is the angle used to rotate the points (rather than the axes) and d is unexplained(!) but I think it's the distance of the camera from the focal plane.

    enter image description here
