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Symfony bin/vendors local modifications

I'm trying to install a new Symfony project without vendors preinstalled. I'm running Windows and i have used the following guide from the Symfony cookbook:

How to Create and store a Symfony2 Project in git

I'm fairly new to both Git and Symfony. When i run the bin/vendors script i eventually run into this:

Installing/Updating monolog
M src/Monolog/Handler/FingersCrossed/ActivationStrategyInterface.php
M src/Monolog/Handler/FingersCrossed/ErrorLevelActivationStrategy.php
"monolog" has local modifications. Please revert or commit/push them before running this command again.

I'm running 2.0.15. I have tried (with the best of my limited knowledge on Git, cmd and Symfony) to fix this using this guide Dealing with line endings and eventually this Charles Baily's answer to 'Trying to fix line-endings with git filter-branch, but having no luck'.

I don't think I am doing it right though. I run the following lines from my cmd:

git config --global core.autocrlf true
#Nothing appears, just a new line

git rm --cached -r .
#Alot of files appear

git reset --hard
#HEAD is now at xxxxx initial commit

git add .
#According to the first link and Charles Baily's answer there should appear alot of files, but none do.

git commit -m "message"
#Nothing to commit

Does anybody have any clue to what I am doing wrong and how to fix this??


  • If your problem is with eol being automatically modified, then

    git config --global core.autocrlf false

    would be a better config, done before any other git operations.
    See "Definitive recommendation for git autocrlf settings" for the pros and cons.