I use multiple row insert syntax in oracle SQL like this:
INTO student(ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, AGE) VALUES(4,'test_name','test_lname',17)
INTO student(ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, AGE) VALUES(5,'test_name2','test_lname2',20)
INTO student(ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, AGE) VALUES(6,'test_name3','test_lname3',21)
select * from dual;
can anyone explain me what is the meaning of using
select * from dual
at the and of statement?
it the syntax for INSERT ALL
INTO <table_name> VALUES <column_name_list)
INTO <table_name> VALUES <column_name_list)
<SELECT Statement>;
if there is nothing you want to select after inserting you do select * from dual
otherwise you do your select you want usually to confirm the insert success