I have a C# 2010 WinForms application using .Net Framework 4.
I am using Eazfuscator.NET to obfuscate this application. If I obfuscate the executable manually, everything works fine.
When I try to make the program obfuscate itself on every build by dragging the project onto the green part, everything works fine and this is output:
Protecting project 'Roster Manager.csproj'... done
Protected project will be obfuscated automatically during the build in Release configuration
Please restart Visual Studio to complete the installation of Eazfuscator.NET
After that, I close VS, start it again, clean the solution, rebuild it and run it. The program works but it is not obfuscated, as proved by decompiling it using Reflector 7.
I am building it in Release as requested by the program.
Searching the web didn't help so maybe if someone ran into this problem before might have a fix to this issue.
Finally managed to fix it. Seems that disabling the User Account Control resolves the issue.
A quick Google search will give more details into how to do this.