I have a Many-To-Many relationship consisting of the following 3 tables (non relevant fields removed from brevity), in that an advert may be assigned multiple tags, and a tag can be assigned to multiple adverts.
(PK) Id
(FK) AdvertId
(FK) TagId
(PK) Id
I want to create an NHibernate query that counts how many Adverts are assigned a specific Tag (i.e. a specific TagId).
In normal sql I would do something along the lines of:
FROM Adverts A
JOIN AdvertsTags AT ON A.Id = AT.AdvertId
WHERE AT.TagId = @tagId
The property names of my Advert
and Tag
models are as per the field names in the tables shown above.
I don't know what would be the recommended way of doing this using NHibernate?
Maybe something like this would help:
var count = session
.Add(Expression.Eq("TagId", tagId)
More info here: http://www.nhforge.org/doc/nh/en/index.html#querycriteria-associations