Is there any method to get Annotations from Google Analytics via their API. Lots of searching hasn't given be any docs or solid answers on if this is possible or not.
Has anyone done this, or know the filters / dimensions I need to use to get Annotations?
Thanks Jake
No, to this date there's no way to get annotations from the Google Analytics API.
There's an open issue for it.
Feel free to star the issue to get updates, but please don't reply to it with a "Me too" comment.
The issue was open on Jan 2010 and to this date there is no update or comment from Google.
Google internal policy is to not discuss publicly bugs and new features. We know they are aware of this and other omissions on the API, but they won't provide any deadlines, so you should not wait for it in the short term.
At this point I would guess this will never be implemented. In GA4 annotations have not been implemented yet and it's unclear if it ever will, so the feature might be going away for good.