I have a One Image with depth of IPL_DEPTH_16S
IplImage result = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(smoothImage), IPL_DEPTH_16S, 1);
cvSobel(smoothImage, result, 0, 1, 3);
and i want to pass that result image to other object which needs an IPL_DEPTH_8U image. So Is there any way to convert IPL_DEPTH_16S to IPL_DEPTH_8U in JavaCV.
I already try to use cvConvertScale() method. But i can't find what are the exact parametrs for that method.
Using the same style as your code, this should work:
IplImage i = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(result), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
cvConvertScale(result, i, 1, 0);