I have files in e pub format. I have to show their contents to the user. How do I read them in asp.net? Can it be done through javascript?
Authoritative? What could be better then a StackOverflow answer? I started from this question ( https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4870594/is-there-a-c-sharp-epub-library ) and gleaned a few usefull links:
A C# open source library for reading ePub files, the sample code on the home page includes how to get the contents as HTML: http://epubreader.codeplex.com/
There are other libraries which may come in handy if the ePub reader library on codeplex doesn't pan out: http://sourceforge.net/projects/epubsharp/, and http://www.aspose.com/categories/.net-components/aspose.words-for-.net/default.aspx
You can't do this with just JavaScript of course, you'll have a server side like a web service or code behind on your asp.net webpage which opens the epub file, extracts the contents as HTML and returns it to the client, but I think there is enough here to get you started.