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Make AlarmManager Repeats alarm for a specific number of time - Android

I need to set an alarm at perticular time that repeats given number of time only.

There is

void set(int type, long triggerAtTime, PendingIntent operation)

It gets called for once. I can check preference value and can set it again for my requirement.

I can use this also. At every alarm trigger can check preference value and if limit achieved. Can cancel alarm then.

void setRepeating(int type, long triggerAtTime, long interval, PendingIntent operation)

I want to avoid this preference stuff within this operation.

Are there other ways of doing this ?


  • Pass the number of times you want to repeat the alarm as a int value bundled with the intent.

    At every trigger decrement the value by 1.

    If it reaches 0 cancel it.

    No Preferences required.