I have a problem with delphi, I created a program that calculates working hours, this is a piece of code:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
a := StrToTime(Edit1.Text);
b := StrToTime(Edit2.Text);
c := StrToTime(Edit3.Text);
d := StrToTime(Edit4.Text);
e := StrToTime(Edit5.Text);
f := StrToTime(Edit6.Text);
g := StrToTime(Edit7.Text);
h := StrToTime(Edit8.Text);
i := StrToTime(Edit9.Text);
l := StrToTime(Edit10.Text);
m := StrToTime(Edit11.Text);
n := StrToTime(Edit12.Text);
o := StrToTime(Edit13.Text);
p := StrToTime(Edit14.Text);
q := StrToTime(Edit15.Text);
r := StrToTime(Edit17.Text);
s := StrToTime(Edit18.Text);
t := StrToTime(Edit19.Text);
u := StrToTime(Edit20.Text);
v := StrToTime(Edit21.Text);
z := StrToTime(Edit22.Text);
a1 := StrToTime(Edit23.Text);
b1 := StrToTime(Edit24.Text);
c1 := StrToTime(Edit25.Text);
d1 := StrToTime(Edit26.Text);
e1 := StrToTime(Edit27.Text);
f1 := StrToTime(Edit28.Text);
But when I click on calculate, if the total exceeds 24 hours, back to 0, how do I fix this?
This is how to resolve your immediate problem:
Declare a new variable TotalTime
the way you've declared a,b,c, etc.
Then remove the last line, and replace it with this:
TotalTime := b-a+d-c+f-e+h-g+l-i+n-m+o-n+q-p+s-r+u-t+z-v+b1-a1+d1-c1+f1-e1;
Memo1.Text:= IntToStr(Trunc(TotalTime))+' day(s), '+ TimeTostr(TotalTime);
That should show something like this:
3 day(s), 07:04:45
Besides this change, I would rethink the entire approach if I were you. Learn from what others say here, and don't let yourself be affected by downvotes or negative comments.