Search code examples

Can't find control in edit mode in DataList

 private void BindDataList()
        int userId = Convert.ToInt32(ProfileInfo.GetUserID());
        DataList1.DataSource = CatalogAccess.GetAddressByUserID(userId);
        foreach (DataListItem item in DataList1.Items)
            Label lbl = (Label)item.FindControl("lbl");
            lbl.Text = "myLabel";

    protected void DataList1_EditCommand(object source, DataListCommandEventArgs e)
        int userId = Convert.ToInt32(ProfileInfo.GetUserID());        
        DataList1.EditItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex;
        DataList1.DataSource = CatalogAccess.GetAddressByUserID(userId);
        Label lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lbl") as Label;
        lbl.Text = "edit mode";

<asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" oneditcommand="DataList1_EditCommand" >
                    <asp:Label ID="lblAddressID" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("addressID") %>'/>
                    <asp:Label ID="lbl" runat="server" />
                    <asp:Button runat="Server" ID="cmdEdit" CommandName="Edit" Text="Edit"/> 
                    <asp:TextBox ID="txtAddressID" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("addressID") %>' BackColor="#FFFF66" />        
                    <asp:Label ID="lbl" runat="server"/>
                    <asp:Button runat="Server" ID="cmdUpdate" CommandName="Update" Text="Update" />
                    <asp:Button runat="Server" ID="cmdCancel" CommandName="Cancel" Text="Cancel"/> 


  • Step 1: bind data somewhere

    Step 2: handle the OnItemDataBound event and find your control here, similar to the following...

      protected void DataList1__ItemDataBound(Object sender, DataListItemEventArgs e)
        if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.EditItem)
            Label lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lbl");
            lbl.Text = "edit mode";

    For more info on this event take a look at the MSDN example. You have to check for the ItemType. In this case it is in edit mode, otherwise you check for a listitem or alternate item etc.