I am trying to place the image: 'Im' in the center of the window, like this:
I wrote in the first callback function:
img = imread(files{k}); %# Read the data from your image file
hAxes = axes('Parent',hOptsGUI,'Units','pixels','Position',[362 242 424 359]); %# so the position is easy to define
image(img,'Parent',hAxes); %# Plot the image
set(hAxes,'Visible','off'); %# Turn the axes visibility off
I am not sure, but I think I dont need axesH. In addition, axes let the current axes :/
Can someone tell me how to solve it?
this is my code:
function data = mainGUI(options, files)
%# current options
j = 1;
ops = cellfun(@(c) c(1), options, 'Uniform',false);
data{j} = [ops{1:length(ops)}];
j = j + 1;
options = cellfun(@(c) c(2:1:end), options, 'Uniform',false);
clear ops;
ops = cellfun(@(c) c(1), options, 'Uniform',false);
opts = [ops{1:length(ops)}];
%# create main figure, with plot and options button
hFig = figure('Name','window 1','Visible','Off');
%# options button callback function
function callback(o,e)
%# save current options (sharing data between the two GUIs)
setappdata(hFig, 'opts',opts);
%# display options dialog and wait for it
for k=1: length(files)
hOptsGUI = secondaryGUI(hFig, options);
img = imread(files{k}); %# Read the data from your image file
hAxes = axes('Parent',hOptsGUI,'Units','pixels','Position',[362 242 424 359]); %# so the position is easy to define
image(img,'Parent',hAxes); %# Plot the image
set(hAxes,'Visible','off'); %# Turn the axes visibility off
%# get new options, and update plot accordingly
opts = getappdata(hFig, 'opts');
data{j} = opts;
j = j + 1;
function hFig = secondaryGUI(hParentFig, options)
%# create figure
hFig = figure('Name','Simulation Plot Window','Menubar','none', 'Resize','off', ...
'WindowStyle','modal', 'Position',[300 300 1150 600]);
movegui(hFig, 'center');
options = cellfun(@(c) c(end:-1:1), options, 'Uniform',false);
num = length(options);
%# get saved settings
selected = getappdata(hParentFig, 'opts');
%# top/bottom panels
hPanBot = uipanel('Parent',hFig, 'BorderType','none', ...
'Units','normalized', 'Position',[0 0.0 1 0.2]);
hPanTop = uipanel('Parent',hFig, 'BorderType','none', ...
'Units','normalized', 'Position',[0 0.2 1 0.2]);
%# buttongroups in top panel
hBtnGrp = zeros(1,num);
width = 1/num;
for i=1:num
%# create button group
hBtnGrp(i) = uibuttongroup('Parent',hPanTop, ...
'Units','normalized', 'Position',[(i-1)*width 0 width 1]);
%# populate it with radio buttons
height = 1./numel(options{i});
for j=1:numel(options{i})
h = uicontrol('Parent',hBtnGrp(i), 'Style','Radio', ...
'Units','normalized', 'Position',[0.05 (j-1)*height 0.9 height], ...
%# set initially selected values
if strcmp(selected{i},options{i}{j})
set(hBtnGrp(i), 'SelectedObject',h)
%# save button in bottom panel
uicontrol('Parent',hPanBot, 'Style','pushbutton', ...
'Units','normalized', 'Position',[0.3 0.2 0.4 0.2], ...
'String','start', 'Callback',@callback)
%# save button callback function
function callback(o,e)
%# get selected values
hObjs = get(hBtnGrp(:), 'SelectedObject');
vals = get(cell2mat(hObjs),{'String'});
%# update settings
setappdata(hParentFig, 'opts',vals);
%# close options dialog
thanks everyone! :]]
You are currently doing this:
% show the images
Im = imread(files{k});
AxesH = axes('Units', 'pixels', 'position', [0.5, 10, 400, 260], 'Visible', 'off');
image(Im, 'Parent', AxesH);
is a bit of a strange function, as plotting functions in MATLAB go - it doesn't really obey a lot of the behavior you expect based on other plotting functions.
From the online documentation for image (emphasis below is mine):
The image function has two forms:
A high-level function that calls newplot to determine where to draw the graphics objects and sets the following axes properties:
XLim and YLim to enclose the image
Layer to top to place the image in front of the tick marks and grid lines
YDir to reverse
View to [0 90]
A low-level function that adds the image to the current axes without calling newplot. The low-level function argument list can contain only property name/property value pairs.
This means that if you want to add the image to a pre-existing set of axes, you must use only property-value pairs. The other forms of the function all call newplot.
To plot something into the axes you've created, use the following form:
image('Parent', axesH, 'CData', Im); #% add other property-value pairs as needed
Note that things like setting the y-direction, limits, tick marks, etc. will have to be done as well, since the high-level function isn't taking care of that anymore.