I'm trying to get pylint to give html output when I run Validate syntax on a python file in TextMate. I installed pycheckmate, pylint, and created a .pylintrc file in $HOME that sets the output format to html.
In TextMate's Advanced control panel, in the Shell Variables tab, I have TM_PYCHECKER
set to /usr/local/share/python/pylint
. If I trigger Validate Syntax, it runs pylint with all the default options, and gives me the output. If I change TM_PYCHECKER
to /usr/local/share/python/pylint --rcfile "$HOME/.pylintrc"
and Validate Syntax again, I get:
Please install PyChecker, PyFlakes or Pylint for more extensive code checking.
If I run /usr/local/share/python/pylint from the commandline, without any arguments, the output is html, so I know in that case that it's reading the rcfile. What am I missing?
OK, I think I found the problem: pycheckmate sets --output-format=parseable'
as a forced argument to pylint. I found this out by replacing /usr/local/share/python/pylint with a wrapper script that printed out its arguments:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from pylint import lint
print sys.argv[1:]
And when I ran it in TextMate I saw this:
['--output-format=parseable', '/Users/smithm5/test.py']
test.py:26 [C] Line too long (90/80)
So I dug into /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Bundles/Python.tmbundle/Support/bin/pycheckmate.py itself. Sure enough, it adds that argument, as well as a whole lot of hard-coded html. So to fix it, I removed all the escape()
wrappers, set opts = ()
on line 287 so I could set my own darn opts, and changed line 332 to print line