I'm using SFHFKeychainUtils to use Keychain Services in my app. I've written some OCUnit tests that verify the funcionality of this code. Everything works fine when I run the unit tests from Xcode on the iOS simulator or my device. However now I'm trying to set up a CI server and the test is failing when it is run via the command line with error code -25291. Looking that up on Apple's documentation tells me: No trust results are available (errSecNotAvailable). I've linked the Security.framework to my unit test project, it seems like from what I have read on the web this is all I should need to get this working. Here is the command I am invoking in the console:
/usr/bin/xcodebuild -target [Test_Target] -sdk /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator5.1.sdk/ -configuration Debug
Does anyone have any experience or suggestions for getting unit testing and Keychain Services to play nicely together from the command line?
I ran into the same issue, and the solution for me was to make sure the simulator was running before starting any test. I did that using AppleScript in a Run Script build phase in Xcode, and essentially the same thing on the CI server. Here is the shell script that will open the simulator:
exec osascript <<EOF
tell application "iOS Simulator"
end tell
The security/keychain services issue that causes this is apparently a known issue, though I don't yet have the radar that tracks it. If you're using Jenkins, put the above script in a Execute Shell phase before your Xcode build phase. If you're controlling this through Xcode itself, put it in a Run Script build phase before the RunUnitTests Run Script build phase. Hope that solves your issue!