I'm watching this lecture http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/TechDays/Techdays-2012-the-Netherlands/2287 and on 14:08 he says that MVC4 has the Async feature. I have VS2010 with MVC4 beta installed, but doesn't have the Async available. After doing some search I understaand that to use Async you need VS11 and what is more important that here https://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/develop/vs11/ they tell that Azure doesn't support VS11 projects yet. This is very confusing because in the video he does not tell that I need VS11 and I can't tell from the UI if it is VS11.
So my question is there a way how can I TODAY use Async + MVC4 on Azure?
There's a CTP that you could install and which enables this feature in VS2010. It stays CTP though. The feature will be part of the .NET 4.5 framework and available with VS11.