How do you list all the namespaces loaded in an instance of tclsh?
Try running this proc from the TCLer's Wiki
proc listns {{parentns ::}} {
set result [list]
foreach ns [namespace children $parentns] {
eval lappend result [listns $ns]
lappend result $ns
return $result
When I run it, I get the following output:
% listns
::platform ::activestate::teapot::link ::activestate::teapot ::activestate ::tcl
::clock ::tcl::info ::tcl::dict ::tcl::tm ::tcl::mathop ::tcl::unsupported ::tcl
::mathfunc ::tcl::chan ::tcl::string ::tcl
So, to get ALL namespaces, you simply need to do this:
set all_namespaces [concat [listns] "::"]