I want to restrict to user when he enters start and end date between already present start and end dates in the following table.
For example: user tries to insert date start date 2/6/2012 and end date 4/6/2012; this date comes between event e2 from the table below so the user is not allowed to insert it.
id event startdate enddate
11 e1 31/5/2012 1/6/2012
12 e2 1/6/2012 4/6/2012
13 e3 5/6/2012 6/6/2012
14 e4 15/6/2012 16/6/2012
I want to find a count of those events that conflict with other events.
select tbl.startdate, count(tbl.startdate)
from YourTable tbl
exists(select * from YourTable tbl2 where ((tbl2.startdate>=tbl.startdate AND tbl2.startdate<=tbl.enddate) OR (tbl2.enddate>=tbl.startdate AND tbl2.enddate<=tbl.enddate)))
group by tbl.startdate