This is my first time using WPF. It has been a bit of a nightmare, but I've done enough of the project that I now don't want to start all over again with a forms application.
My problem is this: I have 50 textboxes inside an expander, which in turn is inside a stackpanel. I need to store the value of each textbox in an array. In forms I would probably do it something like this (I am using by the way):
Dim i As Integer
Dim values() as string
For i = 0 To 49
values(i) = form1.Controls("TextBox" & i).text
Next i
(Assuming my textboxes were named Textbox1, Textbox2, Textbox3 etc.)
How can I do this in WPF? I've tried using Trees (I think they're called?) but have failed every time and now given up.
Oh, I also forgot to mention that there are also other controls in the expander (labels that are paired with the textboxes).
This goes to coding horror category but if you wish to pursue it anyway there is a method on FrameworkElement called FindName ( which would do what you need. It searches it's child elements recursively, just name your expander and use FindName in code-behind to fetch all Textboxes.