Search code examples

UrlFetchApp request failing - Google Custom Search Engine API

I am trying to get results from my custom search engine(cse) via api using the Google Apps Script UrlFetchApp.fetch method. However, the url I am sending seems to be invalid. Will someone please tell me what I am doing wrong or if this is the wrong way to go about it?

function testGet(){  
  var q = "orell+auto"  
  var engID = "MY_ENGINE_ID"
  var cseAPIkey = "MY-KEY"  
  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(""+ cseAPIkey + "&cx="+ engID +"q=" + q +"&fields=items(snippet%2Ctitle)%2Cspelling%2FcorrectedQuery");
  if (response.getResponseCode() == 200) {
    var text = response.getContentText();

I don't have a particular reason for using the UrlFetchApp.fetch method, I just wanted the simplest way to call my cse from google apps script and return the corrected query, title, and snippet from the results (the last bit of the url).



  • So i found that there were a couple of errors in the url - one from my own key input and one in the url as it is shown. Here is the fixed line of code:

    var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(""+ cseAPIkey + "&cx="+ engID +"&q=" + q +"&fields=items(snippet%2Ctitle)%2Cspelling%2FcorrectedQuery");