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python regex: match a char surrounded by exactly 2 chars

I need a regex in python that matches any char that is surrounded by exactly 2 underscores. meaning, meaning


will match "a", but


will not match. it needs to support overlapping matches, such that


will return "ac" because a is surrounded by double underlines, but d,e have a triple one next to them and b has a triple underline on both sides. what I have now


it solves the overlapping, but not the "exactly 2" in the above example it returns "adbec"


  • Try the following:



    >>> regex = re.compile(r'(?<=(?<!_)__)([^_])(?=__(?!_))')
    >>> regex.findall('__a__ ')
    >>> regex.findall('___a___')
    >>> regex.findall('__a__d___b___e__c__')
    ['a', 'c']
    >>> regex.findall('__a__c__')
    ['a', 'c']

    You said you wanted overlapping matches, but if you would not like the c to match in __a__c__, use the following (which was my original answer):
