I try to deal with poor documentation of Pinax.
I found this project
what i want is that install it. I normally install a project called account but here i have to install from git . How can i do that in Pinax
It turns out the new way of using projects is to just copy the folder and rename it.
So to use the multiblog project you would do
Copy the multiblog inside the cloned repo to a new location and rename it to the name you would like to use for your project. Then install the requirements via pip and follow the rest of the steps for setting up a django project
cd ~/src
git clone https://github.com/pinax/pinax-multiblog-project
cp -r ~/src/pinax-project-admin ~/Sites/new_project
cd ~/Sites/new_project"
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py syncdb
I too have been trying to accomplish the same thing. So far I found this commit https://github.com/nrb/pinax/blob/476d2398c48cc444eb2338c12090f0cebad46961/docs/starterprojects.txt
Relevant section on begins on line 160 near the end
External Starter Projects
The Pinax ``setup_project`` command can also use starter projects built by third parties.
These can either be plain directory structures, or they may be a git/hg pip editable.
To install a starter project from an external source, simply pass the file path or git/hg
URL to the ``-b`` option::
pinax-admin setup_project -b git+git://github.com/user/project.git#egg=project my_new_project
However all the pinax projects I have come across don't seem to include an egg to use
I need to use Django 1.4 for my project but the included account base project in both Pinax 0.9a2 and 0.9b1-dev10 use Django 1.3.
I am guessing the external project integration is something we will have to wait for in the Pinax 1.0 release.