I have 4 databases in my rails program, Products, Offerings, OfferingProducts, and Orders
Sample Offering: Medium Kit
Medium Kit Contains 2 Products (This is set up in the OfferingProduct db) 1 Small 2 Medium
customer Orders 2 medium kits
this program should account for 2 Small and 4 Medium from this order and many orders similar
I'm trying to set up an inventory system to track how many of each product are sold every week so that I can reorder products. To calculate this I have:
def get_trend
product = Product.first
customer_orders =[]
product.offerings.each do |o|
customer_orders = customer_orders + o.orders
o=customer_orders.group_by { |t| t.date.beginning_of_week }
y = []
o.sort.each do |week, orders|
y << orders.map { |o| o.quantity*op.find_by_offering_id(o.offering).quantity }.sum
return y
This seems to work, but it takes about 20 seconds to calculate. Is there any way to make this faster? I know most of the time is taken by the
y << orders.map { |o| o.quantity*op.find_by_offering_id(o.offering).quantity }.sum
line which calculates the number of products ordered in a given week. Any thoughts?
Here is what I ended up doing thanks to the info from Iain
def get_trend
sql = ActiveRecord::Base.connection()
if Rails.env == "production"
d=sql.execute("SELECT SUM(orders.quantity * offering_products.quantity), EXTRACT(ISOYEAR FROM orders.date) AS year, EXTRACT(WEEK FROM orders.date) AS week " +
" FROM orders " +
" INNER JOIN offerings ON offerings.id = orders.offering_id " +
" INNER JOIN offering_products ON offering_products.offering_id = offerings.id " +
" INNER JOIN products ON products.id = offering_products.product_id " +
" WHERE (products.id = #{self.id}) GROUP BY year, week ORDER BY year, week ")
y=d.map { |a| a["sum"].to_i }
d=sql.execute("SELECT SUM(orders.quantity * offering_products.quantity), strftime('%G-%V', orders.date) AS year " +
" FROM orders " +
" INNER JOIN offerings ON offerings.id = orders.offering_id " +
" INNER JOIN offering_products ON offering_products.offering_id = offerings.id " +
" INNER JOIN products ON products.id = offering_products.product_id " +
" WHERE (products.id = #{self.id}) GROUP BY year")
y=d.map { |a| a[0] }
return y
Update: needed to differentiate the code between production and local, because heroku uses postgresql, and the date functions work differently:( which also means the result isnt exactly the same, because the functions treat the first week of the year differently.