I have a python method does the following:
Obviously, the only interesting part for me to test in my case is 2, 3, so 1 is definitely something I want to mock against. I started doing patch file creation/deletion under /test folder in my setUp() and tearDown(). But colleague told me it's not good idea to do I/O in unitest.
so what's the best way to mock build in os.listdir() in my unitest? or what's the alternatives?
Is there anything I can do to achieve something like:
setUp() {
#mock a few files eg.test1.txt, test2.txt, test3.txt under directory /test
#without physically creating them using I/O
tearDown() {
#whatever cleanup required
What about using the Mock module?
>>> import os
>>> from mock import MagicMock
>>> os.listdir = MagicMock(return_value=['file1.txt', 'file2.txt', 'file3.txt'])
>>> os.listdir('./test')
['file1.txt', 'file2.txt', 'file3.txt']
If you don't want to mokey-patch (ie. break) os, then you could use mock_os or the likes.
Read about starting and stopping: