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Is it possible to add errors to an ActiveRecord object without associating them with a particular attribute?

If you need to code a considerably complex validation, the error sometimes lies not in a particular attribute but in a combination of several of them.

For example, if i want to validate that a the time period between :start_date and :end_date doesnt contain any sunday, the error doesnt belong specifically to either of those fields, but the Errors add method requires to specify it.


  • Try doing something like this:

    # Your Model.rb
    validate :my_own_validation_method
    def my_own_validation_method
        if there_is_no_sunday_in_the_range
            self.errors[:base] << "You must have a Sunday in the time range!"

    Basically, you can add your own complex validations to a model, and when you see that something erroneous has happened, you can add an error string in the array of errors.