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Vaadin ComboBox with values and IDs

I have defined a ComboBox which allows the user to select a contact from his contact list. The ComboBox is showing the contact name, but that can not really be used to map to the real contact: the contact ID is needed. My problem is that I do not know how to populate the Vaadin ComboBox with linked values and IDs, but only showing the values.

// Add all organization contacts to the drop-down
for (Contact contact : organizationContacts) {
    contactName = contact.getName();
    contactId   = contact.getId();
    _logger.debug("Adding contactName=" + contactName + " contactId=" + contactId + " to person with id=" + personId);

// Add the contact of this person, and select it in the drop-down
contactName = person.getContact().getName();
contactId   = person.getContact().getId();

As you can see in the code above, I am adding the contactName to the ComboBox, but I do not know how to add also the contactId so that I can know later, from the selected entry, which ID must be used to update the database.


  • There are several ways to approach this : the most flexible here is to configure the combobox to use a named property as a caption. See Book Of Vaadin on Selecting Items for more details.

    // Set the caption mode to read the caption directly
    // from the 'name' property of the item
    // Add all organization contacts to the drop-down
    for (Contact contact : organizationContacts) {
        contactName = contact.getName();
        contactId   = contact.getId();
        _logger.debug("Adding contactName=" + contactName + " contactId=" + contactId + " to person with id=" + personId);
        // Note : the itemId of the item is the contactId
        Item item = contactNameCombo.addItem(contactId);
    // Add the contact of this person, and select it in the drop-down
    contactName = person.getContact().getName();
    contactId   = person.getContact().getId();
    Item item = contactNameCombo.addItem(contactId);
    // Using the itemId (which = contactId) to select the given contact