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How to profile django application with respect to execution time?

My Django application is insanely slow, I want to figure out what is taking time :

I tried Django-debug-toolbar but was unable to find a panel that can give me the break-up of the load time.

My requirements:

  • A stack-trace type output with time of execution for each module called to render the page.
  • I want to realize what part of the whole page rendering process is taking the time ?
  • Also, what part is consuming how much CPU [ MOST IMPORTANT ] ?

Can django-debug-toolbar do that ? [ What panel ? ]

Any other django-app that can do that ?


  • Finally figured out a way to profile my django webapp :

    Following 2 django snippets provide middleware that profile the whole flow and outputs if request has prof in GET keys :

    Plain and simple profiling - Saved my day !