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Multi platform mobile application

I am willing to develop a mobile application. I wish to have something working for android, windows mobile, symbian and blackberry. Which is the best way to do that?

I had read here:

You could aim to wrap the sections of the platform specific APIs (iPhone SDK etc.) that you use with your own interfaces. In doing so you are effectively hiding the platform specific libraries and making your design and code easier to manage when dealing with differences in the platforms.

I was hoping there exists a framework that does this for me, but it doesn't exist or I didn't find any. I feel that sort of things will make my code harder to maintain and perhaps it's better to have one version for each platform.

Anyone with experience in the field?

Another links of interest:


  • You might want to look into PhoneGap ( From their own description page:

    PhoneGap is an open source development tool for building fast, easy mobile apps with JavaScript.

    If you’re a web developer who wants to build mobile applications in HTML and JavaScript while still taking advantage of the core features in the iPhone, Android and Blackberry SDKs, PhoneGap is for you.

    In addition to using JavaScript, it supports JavaScript acccess to native controls and features of the phones (GPS, accelerometers etc...).