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Options for indexing a view with cte

I have a view for which I want to create an Indexed view. After a lot of energy I was able to put the sql query in place for the view and It looks like this -

ALTER VIEW [dbo].[FriendBalances] WITH SCHEMABINDING  as

trans (Amount,PaidBy,PaidFor, Id)  AS    

(SELECT Amount,userid AS PaidBy, PaidForUsers_FbUserId AS PaidFor, Id FROM dbo.Transactions
FULL JOIN dbo.TransactionUser ON dbo.Transactions.Id = dbo.TransactionUser.TransactionsPaidFor_Id),

bal (PaidBy,PaidFor,Balance) AS

(SELECT PaidBy,PaidFor, SUM( Amount/ transactionCounts.[_count]) AS Balance FROM trans 
JOIN (SELECT Id,COUNT(*)AS _count FROM trans GROUP BY Id)   AS transactionCounts ON trans.Id = transactionCounts.Id AND trans.PaidBy <> trans.PaidFor
GROUP BY trans.PaidBy,trans.PaidFor )
SELECT ISNULL(bal.PaidBy,bal2.PaidFor)AS PaidBy,ISNULL(bal.PaidFor,bal2.PaidBy)AS PaidFor,
ISNULL( bal.Balance,0)-ISNULL(bal2.Balance,0) AS Balance
FROM bal 
left JOIN bal AS bal2 ON bal.PaidBy = bal2.PaidFor AND bal.PaidFor = bal2.Paidby   
WHERE ISNULL( bal.Balance,0)>ISNULL(bal2.Balance,0)

Sample Data for FriendBalances View -

PaidBy  PaidFor  Balance
------  -------  -------
9990    9991     1000
9990    9992     2000
9990    9993     1000
9991    9993     1000
9991    9994     1000

It is mainly a join of 2 tables.

Transactions -

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Transactions](
    [Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [Date] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    [Amount] [float] NOT NULL,
    [UserId] [bigint] NOT NULL,
    [Remarks] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
    [GroupFbGroupId] [bigint] NULL,

Sample data in Transactions Table -

Id  Date                     Amount  UserId  Remarks         GroupFbGroupId
--  -----------------------  ------  ------  --------------  --------------
1   2001-01-01 00:00:00.000  3000    9990    this is a test  NULL
2   2001-01-01 00:00:00.000  3000    9990    this is a test  NULL
3   2001-01-01 00:00:00.000  3000    9991    this is a test  NULL

TransactionUsers -

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TransactionUser](
    [TransactionsPaidFor_Id] [bigint] NOT NULL,
    [PaidForUsers_FbUserId] [bigint] NOT NULL

Sample Data in TransactionUser Table -

TransactionsPaidFor_Id  PaidForUsers_FbUserId
----------------------  ---------------------
1                       9991
1                       9992
1                       9993
2                       9990
2                       9991
2                       9992
3                       9990
3                       9993
3                       9994

Now I am not able to create a view because my query contains cte(s). What are the options that I have now?

If cte can be removed, what should be the other option which would help in creating indexed views.

Here is the error message -

Msg 10137, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Cannot create index on view "ShareBill.Test.Database.dbo.FriendBalances" because it references common table expression "trans". Views referencing common table expressions cannot be indexed. Consider not indexing the view, or removing the common table expression from the view definition.

The concept: Transaction mainly consists of:

  • an Amount that was paid
  • UserId of the User who paid that amount
  • and some more information which is not important for now.

TransactionUser table is a mapping between a Transaction and a User Table. Essentially a transaction can be shared between multiple persons. So we store that in this table.

So we have transactions where 1 person is paying for it and other are sharing the amount. So if A pays 100$ for B then B would owe 100$ to A. Similarly if B pays 90$ for A then B would owe only $10 to A. Now if A pays 300$ for A,b,c that means B would owe 110$ and C would owe 10$ to A.

So in this particular view we are aggregating the effective amount that has been paid (if any) between 2 users and thus know how much a person owes another person.


  • Okay, this gives you an indexed view (that needs an additional view on top of to sort out the who-owes-who detail), but it may not satisfy your requirements still.

    /* Transactions table, as before, but with handy unique constraint for FK Target */
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Transactions](
        [Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
        [Date] [datetime] NOT NULL,
        [Amount] [float] NOT NULL,
        [UserId] [bigint] NOT NULL,
        [Remarks] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
        [GroupFbGroupId] [bigint] NULL,
     constraint UQ_Transactions_XRef UNIQUE (Id,Amount,UserId)

    Nothing surprising so far, I hope

    /* Much expanded TransactionUser table, we'll hide it away and most of the maintenance is automatic */
    CREATE TABLE [dbo]._TransactionUser(
        [TransactionsPaidFor_Id] int NOT NULL,
        [PaidForUsers_FbUserId] [bigint] NOT NULL,
        Amount float not null,
        PaidByUserId bigint not null,
        UserCount int not null,
        LowUserID as CASE WHEN [PaidForUsers_FbUserId] < PaidByUserId THEN [PaidForUsers_FbUserId] ELSE PaidByUserId END,
        HighUserID as CASE WHEN [PaidForUsers_FbUserId] < PaidByUserId THEN PaidByUserId ELSE [PaidForUsers_FbUserId] END,
        PerUserDelta as (Amount/UserCount) * CASE WHEN [PaidForUsers_FbUserId] < PaidByUserId THEN -1 ELSE 1 END,
        constraint PK__TransactionUser PRIMARY KEY ([TransactionsPaidFor_Id],[PaidForUsers_FbUserId]),
        constraint FK__TransactionUser_Transactions FOREIGN KEY ([TransactionsPaidFor_Id]) references dbo.Transactions,
        constraint FK__TransactionUser_Transaction_XRef FOREIGN KEY ([TransactionsPaidFor_Id],Amount,PaidByUserID)
            references dbo.Transactions (Id,Amount,UserId) ON UPDATE CASCADE

    This table now maintains enough information to allow the view to be constructed. The rest of the work we do is to construct/maintain the data in the table. Note that, with the foreign key constraint, we've already ensured that if, say, an amount is changed in the transactions table, everything gets recalculated.

    /* View that mimics the original TransactionUser table -
    in fact it has the same name so existing code doesn't need to change */
    CREATE VIEW dbo.TransactionUser
    with schemabinding
    /* Effectively the PK on the original table */
    CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX PK_TransactionUser on dbo.TransactionUser ([TransactionsPaidFor_Id],[PaidForUsers_FbUserId])

    Anything that's already written to work against TransactionUser will now work against this view, and be none the wiser. Except, they can't insert/update/delete the rows without some help:

    /* Now we write the trigger that maintains the underlying table */
    CREATE TRIGGER dbo.T_TransactionUser_IUD
    ON dbo.TransactionUser
        /* Every delete affects *every* row for the same transaction
        We need to drop the counts on every remaining row, as well as removing the actual rows we're interested in */
        WITH DropCounts as (
            select TransactionsPaidFor_Id,COUNT(*) as Cnt from deleted group by TransactionsPaidFor_Id
        ), KeptRows as (
            select tu.TransactionsPaidFor_Id,tu.PaidForUsers_FbUserId,UserCount - dc.Cnt as NewCount
            from dbo._TransactionUser tu left join deleted d
                on tu.TransactionsPaidFor_Id = d.TransactionsPaidFor_Id and
                    tu.PaidForUsers_FbUserId = d.PaidForUsers_FbUserId
                inner join DropCounts dc
                        tu.TransactionsPaidFor_Id = dc.TransactionsPaidFor_Id
                d.PaidForUsers_FbUserId is null
        ), ChangeSet as (
            select TransactionsPaidFor_Id,PaidForUsers_FbUserId,NewCount,1 as Keep
            from KeptRows
            union all
            select TransactionsPaidFor_Id,PaidForUsers_FbUserId,null,0
            from deleted
        merge into dbo._TransactionUser tu
        using ChangeSet cs on tu.TransactionsPaidFor_Id = cs.TransactionsPaidFor_Id and tu.PaidForUsers_FbUserId = cs.PaidForUsers_FbUserId
        when matched and cs.Keep = 1 then update set UserCount = cs.NewCount
        when matched then delete;
        /* Every insert affects *every* row for the same transaction
        This is why the indexed view couldn't be generated */
        WITH TU as (
            select TransactionsPaidFor_Id,PaidForUsers_FbUserId,Amount,PaidByUserId from dbo._TransactionUser
            where TransactionsPaidFor_Id in (select TransactionsPaidFor_Id from inserted)
            union all
            select TransactionsPaidFor_Id,PaidForUsers_FbUserId,Amount,UserId
            from inserted i inner join dbo.Transactions t on i.TransactionsPaidFor_Id = t.Id
        ), CountedTU as (
            select TransactionsPaidFor_Id,PaidForUsers_FbUserId,Amount,PaidByUserId,
                COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY TransactionsPaidFor_Id) as Cnt
            from TU
        merge into dbo._TransactionUser tu
        using CountedTU new on tu.TransactionsPaidFor_Id = new.TransactionsPaidFor_Id and tu.PaidForUsers_FbUserId = new.PaidForUsers_FbUserId
        when matched then update set Amount = new.Amount,PaidByUserId = new.PaidByUserId,UserCount = new.Cnt
        when not matched then insert
        values (new.TransactionsPaidFor_Id,new.PaidForUsers_FbUserId,new.Amount,new.PaidByUserId,new.Cnt);

    Now that the underlying table is being maintained, we can finally write the indexed view you wanted in the first place... almost. The issue is that the totals we create may be positive or negative, because we've normalized the transactions so that we can easily sum them:

    CREATE VIEW [dbo]._FriendBalances
            SUM(PerUserDelta) as Balance,
            COUNT_BIG(*) as Cnt
        FROM dbo._TransactionUser
        WHERE LowUserID != HighUserID
        GROUP BY
    create unique clustered index IX__FriendBalances on dbo._FriendBalances (LowUserID, HighUserID)

    So we finally create a view, built on the indexed view above, that if the balance is negative, we flip the person owed, and the person owing around. But it will use the index on the above view, which is most of the work we were seeking to save by having the indexed view:

    create view dbo.FriendBalances
            CASE WHEN Balance >= 0 THEN LowUserID ELSE HighUserID END as PaidBy,
            CASE WHEN Balance >= 0 THEN HighUserID ELSE LowUserID END as PaidFor,
            ABS(Balance) as Balance
            dbo._FriendBalances WITH (NOEXPAND)

    Now, finally, we insert your sample data:

    set identity_insert dbo.Transactions on --Ensure we get IDs we know
    insert into dbo.Transactions (Id,[Date] ,   Amount , UserId , Remarks ,GroupFbGroupId)
    select 1   ,'2001-01-01T00:00:00.000', 3000,    9990    ,'this is a test',  NULL union all
    select 2   ,'2001-01-01T00:00:00.000', 3000,    9990    ,'this is a test',  NULL union all
    select 3   ,'2001-01-01T00:00:00.000', 3000,    9991    ,'this is a test',  NULL
    set identity_insert dbo.Transactions off
    insert into dbo.TransactionUser (TransactionsPaidFor_Id,  PaidForUsers_FbUserId)
    select 1,   9991 union all
    select 1,   9992 union all
    select 1,   9993 union all
    select 2,   9990 union all
    select 2,   9991 union all
    select 2,   9992 union all
    select 3,   9990 union all
    select 3,   9993 union all
    select 3,   9994

    And query the final view:

    select * from dbo.FriendBalances
    PaidBy  PaidFor Balance
    9990    9991    1000
    9990    9992    2000
    9990    9993    1000
    9991    9993    1000
    9991    9994    1000

    Now, there is additional work we could do, if we were concerned that someone may find a way to dodge the triggers and perform direct changes to the base tables. The first would be yet another indexed view, that will ensure that every row for the same transaction has the same UserCount value. Finally, with a few additional columns, check constraints, FK constraints and more work in the triggers, I think we can ensure that the UserCount is correct - but it may add more overhead than you want.

    I can add scripts for these aspects if you want me to - it depends on how restrictive you want/need the database to be.