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Cannot get NSForm to work?

I have a basic project that contains nothing but an NSForm. All i'm trying to do is add some rows to it. From my understanding, I should be able to do this somehow like the following:

- (void) awakeFromNib
    NSLog(@"Test: %p", form);
    [form addEntry: @"Hello World 1"];
    [form addEntry: @"Hello World 2"];
    [form addEntry: @"Hello World 3"];

    [form sizeToCells];

I have confirmed that my form is not null (the test print shows its address), but my form still contains nothing but the two default entries that are displayed when I drag an NSForm onto my view.

enter image description here

Where am I going wrong?


  • I've just spent a while playing about with this, and it seems the problem is doing it in awakeFromNib:.

    In a sample project, I made an outlet for the NSForm in my app delegate class. Then I pasted your code into applicationDidFinishLaunching:. It worked (albeit with a graphical glitch in the cell that was selected by default).

    If your really need the logic to go in awakeFromNib:, could you maybe put it in its own method and call it using performSelector:afterDelay:?